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WP Cover - Preparing Your Brand’s TV Plan  For The 2024 Political Season


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Are Your Advertising Campaigns Prepared for the 2024 Election Season?

As the 2024 election approaches, the advertising landscape is set to experience unprecedented disruption. Political ad spending is predicted to increase by 30% over the 2020 election, reaching $12.3 billion. This surge will create intense competition for ad space, driving up costs and impacting non-political advertisers across all media platforms.

In this guide, you'll learn about:

  • The impact of the election on non-political advertisers

  • The unique challenges presented by battleground states

  • Key strategies for brands navigating the political season

  • Proactive steps for brands to maintain visibility and effectiveness

Download our guide today to equip your brand with the strategies needed to navigate the 2024 political season effectively and ensure your advertising campaigns remain impactful. 


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