Looking to Reach Sports Fans with CTV Ads?

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Top Brands Trust Strategus
With Their CTV Campaigns

key bank logo
University of Washington Logo

CTV Advertising Is Hyper-Targeted

The key to CTV advertising is delivering relevant ads that resonate with viewers. As such, tailoring ad creative to different buyers drives better results. But not all marketers have the resources or know-how to adapt their creative for precise audience segments.

Your Creative Should Follow Suit

If you’re segmenting your audience without adjusting the messaging and visuals, you’re missing a crucial step. At Strategus, we partner with brands to advise on best practices, provide referrals, and create tailored strategies based on your campaign goals.  

connected tv creative director

Creative Partnerships and Expertise

Don’t let the need for robust creative be a barrier to success. We offer strategic guidance and resources, as well as creative partnerships that can be appended to campaigns as needed. While we don’t produce creative, we know what works and have integrations spanning the programmatic ecosystem

define your goals

Define Your Goals & Audience

Before diving into creative, clearly define your campaign objectives and audience segments.

quality standards

Ensure Quality Standards

Make sure your logo is prominent, your message is clear, and the screen isn’t cluttered with competing visuals.

ctv ad specs

Nail the Technical Specs

Align with technical specs for the length (15 or 30 seconds), file format (MP4), and resolution (1080p).

cta button

Align Creative to the Medium

When retargeting buyers across non-CTV channels, optimize the creative accordingly by adding clickable elements like buttons.

personalize audience

Personalize to Your Audience

Tailor your ads to each unique segment by using unique visuals and highlighting different products and services.

prevent ad fatigue

Prevent Ad Fatigue

Use safeguards to prevent ad fatigue, such as rotating creative variants, capping frequency, and monitoring conversions. 

Our vendor-agnostic approach provides access to all the tools and data required to deliver the right message at the right time with personalized creative. We’ll point you in the right direction and craft a cohesive strategy that ensures a seamless, targeted viewer experience.

CTV Creative Resources

Approach Creative Strategically With Strategus as Your Partner

CTV campaigns excel when the ads address specific audience needs. As such, we work with brands to understand their goals, ensuring the creative aligns perfectly with the target viewers.

While many brands lack resources for personalized or seasonal campaigns, we offer creative partnerships to quickly adapt existing video assets or spin up new creative. We’ll guide you through creative best practices and our team of experts will identify a proven formula for success through ongoing campaign optimization.

Still have questions or need a referral? Don’t hesitate to reach out.

watching ctv creative ad-min

Talk to an Expert

Learn More About Strategus’ Capabilities:

Cross-Device Retargeting

Extend your reach by seamlessly retargeting audiences across devices, enhancing CTV campaign continuity.


Measure your CTV campaign success with precise attribution tools, linking ad exposure to outcomes.

24/7 Reporting

Gain insights anytime with round-the-clock reporting, optimizing your CTV campaigns with real-time data.

Premium Inventory

Elevate your campaigns with premium, high-impact inventory.

Programmatic CTV

Harness the power of automation in CTV advertising for efficient, real-time ad buying and placement.