Looking to Reach Sports Fans with CTV Ads?

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Key Results


Search-Influenced Conversions


Online Requests for More Information

A university partnered with Strategus to drive prospective undergraduate and graduate students to their site. The targeting for this national campaign was very granular which necessitated separate ad groups for each audience and geography such as “in-market graduate students in Virginia.” Over a year-long campaign, this university saw 4,048 requests for more information online and an overlap of 13,864 conversions from their Search campaigns.


  • Raise Brand Awareness
  • Drive Web Traffic


The setup for this campaign required meticulous attention to detail to ensure the accuracy of each ad group’s targeting. At the start, this campaign only leveraged display ads to reach prospective students. The Strategus team highly recommended utilizing CTV as well as streaming audio ads and upon their incorporation into the campaign, the university saw their cost per conversion cut in half.


Search and Social Impact Attribution was leveraged in the campaign to assess the overlapping conversions between the university’s search and social campaigns and this CTV campaign. Website activity was also tracked including specific page visits as well as a form submission for more information. In one year, Strategus generated 4,048 submissions on the form for more information and the university was able to attribute 13,864 search conversions to users who first saw a Strategus ad before converting.


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