Looking to Reach Sports Fans with CTV Ads?

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Key Results


Post-View Website Visits



A national home builder sought to attract potential home buyers to one of their new home communities in Idaho. Faced with the challenge of increasing digital presence within the local market, they turned to Strategus for a multifaceted campaign aimed at building awareness and driving traffic to their website and physical sales center.


The primary goal was to drive potential home buyers into the new home communities, leveraging a variety of digital tactics to enhance visibility and engagement among the target audience.


Strategus implemented a comprehensive strategy tailored to the client's objectives. Leveraging partnerships with over 188 data providers, the campaign targeted in-market home buyers across 6 cities in Idaho. The core of the strategy involved OTT/CTV ads served on large screens, complemented by mobile in-app and pre-roll video ads to increase message frequency and reach. Additionally, a diverse set of tactics was deployed to reach a broader audience and retarget users who had visited the website. This included display retargeting ads, digital direct mail, hyper-local ads targeting specific local areas, and audience targeting based on demographics and context. Paid search was also utilized to capture relevant search traffic.


The campaign yielded remarkable results, driving local awareness and attracting potential home buyers to the client's website and physical location. Impressively, within the first 6 months of the campaign, Strategus generated 7,665,910 impressions, resulting in 277,539 post-view website visits and 299,240 conversions across all tactics. The success of the campaign prompted the client to continue running it year-round and implement similar marketing strategies for communities in other regions.


Want to learn more? Get in touch with us!