Looking to Reach Sports Fans with CTV Ads?

25194164105 159743919891 164947799710 170424822844

Key Results


Brand Awareness Lift


Message Association


Brand Recommendation


Brand Favorability




Post-View Website Visits

A nationally renowned children’s health system, exclusively dedicated to pediatrics and OBGYN, partnered with Strategus to enhance brand recognition and capture a larger market share among families in their home market. Through a targeted CTV campaign and a comprehensive Brand Lift Study, Strategus optimized for brand awareness, significantly outperforming industry benchmarks. The campaign not only raised brand awareness but also increased positive brand perception and intent among prospective patients and families, achieving results that exceeded the Healthcare industry standard by more than four times.


  • Increase brand recognition in a Top 5 U.S. Market
  • Drive higher market share among families with children or expecting parents.


Operating across 65 locations in a top 5 DMA, the children’s health system sought to boost brand recognition and market penetration among families with children and expectant parents. Strategus developed a CTV-only campaign, utilizing a robust layered targeting strategy that included Custom Persona Targeting with relevant third-party segments, Lookalike Targeting, Amazon Targeting, Smart Audience Contextual Targeting, and Location-Based Retargeting. A key feature was the use of Encore CTV Retargeting, which allowed for targeted re-engagement of users who had previously viewed the client’s ads, optimizing ad frequency to enhance brand lift.


The campaign prioritized brand lift as the main KPI, optimizing away from traffic-driven tactics in favor of strategies designed to maximize brand perception and recognition. As a result, the 10-month campaign achieved a Brand Awareness Lift of +10.6%, dramatically outperforming the Healthcare benchmark of +1.95%. The focus on consistent brand messaging and optimized ad frequency played a crucial role in exceeding client expectations and securing a renewed partnership.


Want to learn more? Get in touch with us!