Looking to Reach Sports Fans with CTV Ads?

25194164105 159743919891 164947799710 170424822844

Key Results


In-Person Visits Driven


Post-View Website Visits

A casino sought to elevate awareness of its property as a premier destination for gaming, entertainment, and resort getaways. To expand their advertising reach beyond traditional linear television, they partnered with Strategus for a three-month test to assess the efficacy of OTT/CTV campaigns in achieving their marketing objectives, particularly in boosting gaming activity, attendance at shows and sporting events, and resort stays.


The primary goal was to rebuild brand awareness and drive web and foot traffic to the casino premises. However, the casino faced challenges in transitioning from traditional linear TV advertising to OTT/CTV platforms, requiring tangible evidence of the effectiveness of this new advertising approach.


Strategus devised a comprehensive three-month Full Funnel CTV campaign, focusing on enhancing brand awareness and driving traffic to the casino's website and physical location. The strategy included advanced CTV audience targeting, Encore Cross-Device Retargeting, Post View Website Attribution, and Foot Traffic Attribution. Targeting tactics ranged from audience segmentation based on gambling and gaming enthusiasts to location-based retargeting of casino visitors and website retargeting of previous site visitors. Encore Cross-Device Retargeting ensured consistent messaging across multiple devices, while Post View Website Attribution tracked users who viewed ads and subsequently visited the casino's website. Foot Traffic Attribution identified users exposed to ads who later visited the casino, providing valuable insights into campaign effectiveness.


The casino witnessed a significant increase in foot traffic and website visits attributed to the Strategus campaign. Notably, the strategy enhanced in-person interactions and brand awareness at shows, sporting events, and other popular date night destinations. Encouraged by the success, the casino shifted a considerable portion of its linear TV ad budgets to CTV advertising and continues to run monthly ad campaigns with Strategus. Key success metrics included a remarkable 99% video completion rate, 4,784 foot traffic visits to the casino property, and 47,310 post-view website visits.


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