Looking to Reach Sports Fans with CTV Ads?

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Key Results


In-Store Visits


“Text Us” Button Clicks

Arwoods Furniture collaborated with Strategus to venture into connected TV (CTV) advertising, seeking deeper targeting and enhanced reporting capabilities compared to traditional local broadcast TV advertising. The campaign, spanning approximately six weeks and targeting the eastern half of the Kansas City DMA, employed a combination of CTV, audio, display, and online video ads through Strategus' proprietary CTV Cross-Device Retargeting strategy. Ultimately, the campaign successfully drove over 9,000 in-store visits to Arwoods Furniture.


The primary objective of the campaign was to increase foot traffic to Arwoods Furniture stores, leveraging CTV advertising to attract potential customers and drive them to visit physical store locations.


Given that this was Arwoods Furniture's initial endeavor into CTV advertising, Strategus formulated a targeted audience strategy to ensure optimal ad delivery. Rather than solely targeting third-party data segments for users in the market for furniture, Strategus devised a strategy to target users based on life events such as newly married, newly divorced, and growing families.


The campaign utilized a mix of CTV, audio, display, and online video ads, with various metrics employed to track results including Post-View Website Visits, Website Button Tracking, Foot Traffic Attribution, After-Ad Influence, and Search and Social Impact Attribution. Although Arwoods Furniture does not facilitate online furniture purchases through its website, online engagement was monitored, with a focus on driving in-store visits. Throughout the six-week duration, the campaign garnered significant online engagement, including 5,972 clicks on the "Text Us" button, and successfully drove 9,106 in-store visits to Arwoods Furniture locations.


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